Name | LUXALA Inc ([luksala] to pronounce) Origin of the company name: In Latin, LUX = light, ALA = wing. |
Office | 605 Aios Akihabara 3-2-2 Ueno Taito-ku Tokyo, 110-0005 Japan |
Represantative | Ryuji Yamamoto, CEO |
Short History of CEO | Date of Birth:1975 In 1994, Entered Ritsumeikan Univ, School of Computer Science, graduated in 1998. In 1999, quited Master School of Ritsumeikan Univ.Entered English school of Columbia Univ. established as annex. In 2000, entered Master School of Computer Science in Columbia Univ. Researched Augmented Reality(AR). Guraduated in 2002.In 2002, Joined Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Reaserched and developed about PS2, PSBB, PSX, PSP, PS3, PS Home. In PS3 project, developed movie thumbnail on Video column of XMB. In PlayStation Home project, launched Japanese version of PS Home as a tech leader. Was in charge of development and localization of PS Home, licensee support, trouble shooting, and so on. In 2012 quited SCE. In 2013 launched LUXALA Inc., and became CEO. |
Establishment | 4th Feburary, 2013 |
Capital Stock | 3,000,000 JPY |
Service | – Planning, development, sales, management, and consulting for a computer system and a software – Planning, development, sales, management, and consulting for an online service using the internet or mobile network – Planning, development, sales, and licence management of digital contents (texts, sounds, music, images, movies, web pages) – Planning, development, sales, and licence management of books, music, images, and movies. – Planning, development, sales, and licence management of character goods – Any related services of the above |
Main Client | 3H Clinical Trial Inc. (Japanese Web Site) |
History of the Company | 2013/Feb/4th Launched in Nagareyama City, Chiba. 2017/Aug/1st Moved to Taito-ku, Tokyo. |